Commercial and Corporate Law

The primary goal of our team is to assist our clients not only when they encounter legal issues, but also to ensure that such problems are minimized or altogether avoided. Therefore, we proactively consult with clients before they enter into certain transactions or take various actions, conduct legal analysis, and propose the least risky solutions for the client.

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Corporate Law

We establish companies, prepare documents for day-to-day business operations, conduct due diligence for companies, and consult on issues related to company management, reorganization, restructuring, and liquidation.

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

Redlaw lawyers are trusted advisors on matters of corporate mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions are complex processes that require legal, financial, and strategic expertise. Redlaw experts have several decades of experience representing and advising clients in this area.

We offer a wide range of services, from transaction structuring and negotiation to detailed legal analysis (due diligence). Our experienced team of commercial law experts, working in conjunction with tax law specialists, ensures that clients receive all the necessary services from a single source at Redlaw.

Jei svarstote M&A sandorį, Redlaw yra patikimas patarėjas, kuriuo galite pasikliauti. Mes padėsime jums orientuotis sudėtingame procese ir pasiekti užsibrėžtus tikslus.

Contract Law

We advise clients on transactional matters, prepare contracts that meet their needs, and consult on their provisions and compliance with legal requirements. 

We advise clients not only on the compliance of transactions with civil law norms, but the Redlaw team also always evaluates the tax aspect of each prepared contract.

Client Representation and Legal Disputes

Redlaw lawyers have extensive experience in representing client interests in civil cases both in court and in pre-trial institutions. We represent clients in commercial disputes, disputes over transaction execution, substandard service provision or product acquisition, disputes arising from contractual relationships, shareholder disputes, and more.

Data Protection

We advise clients on the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provisions in their operations, prepare necessary privacy policies for their activities, establish internal data processing rules, conduct impact assessments, and more.

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Our experienced team of specialists is ready to assist you in resolving tax and customs law dilemmas that trouble you and often seem insurmountable.

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Consultation on current tax issues

We advise clients on current tax issues regarding proper fulfillment of tax obligations when making transactions, choosing an operating model, submitting or amending tax declarations, approaching the tax administrator for payment of tax obligations in installments (entering into a tax loan agreement), as well as VAT registration.

Tax Control Procedures

We have accumulated extensive experience in successfully representing clients in all stages of tax control procedures – from monitoring to tax inspection, including tax investigation and operational checks, coordinating the entire control procedure process – from evaluating documents and preparing them for submission to the tax administrator, to organizing communication and negotiations with the tax administrator to achieve a client-satisfactory result.

Tax Disputes

We represent and advise clients in the pre-litigation stage of tax disputes and in courts of all instances.

Transfer Pricing

We advise clients on the compliance of their ongoing activities with transfer pricing requirements and assist them in implementing this by preparing transfer pricing documentation.

Tax Risk Assessment

We assess clients' compliance with existing requirements and potential risks, providing rational solutions and proposals for developing a selected business model, planning or executing transactions. We conduct tax audits and offer conclusions regarding the tax environment for conducting business. We have particularly valuable experience in advising corporate groups on tax matters.

Customs Law

We advise clients on customs law issues (including but not limited to proper application of customs tariffs, customs procedures), represent clients in customs inspections, disputes over goods detention, and other related matters.

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Labor Law

We are a team with extensive experience and knowledge in consulting and representing clients on labor law matters. Therefore, we can be your partners, helping you make decisions even when your situation seems hopeless.

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We advise employees and/or employers on the compliance of planned or executed actions with existing requirements, legal defense, structural change planning, work, non-competition, trade secrets or confidential information protection, and other types of agreement provisions, fair competition requirements, business or its part transfer, employee relocation, dismissal, secondment, employee guarantees, employee data protection, and other labor law issues.

Contract and Document Preparation

We prepare all types of employer and employee agreements as well as other documents according to client needs.


We represent employers and employees in institutions examining individual labor disputes as well as in courts of all instances, and also in negotiations when the parties seek amicable agreement.

Audit and Risk Assessment

We conduct audits of agreements and local legal acts, identify potential risks, and provide rational recommendations on how to avoid and mitigate these risks.

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We are reliable partners and advisors on family law matters. Having accumulated a wealth of valuable experience and understanding that this area is particularly sensitive, we respond promptly and comprehensively, and are skilled at solving problems or helping to avoid them.

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Pre-nuptial and Post-nuptial Agreements

We care about our clients, so we strive to minimize misunderstandings in their daily lives and resolve them in the quickest and most acceptable manner for the client. Therefore, we consult clients on signing pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements, propose possible terms, anticipate risks, and suggest legal solutions that offer the most protection for our clients and their assets. We not only draft the provisions of such agreements, but also assist clients in validating and properly implementing them.

Marriage Dissolution

Guided by the adage "better a bad peace than a good war," our first approach is to find ways for parties to dissolve their marriage by mutual consent. We look for terms of marriage dissolution that best meet the interests of both spouses, prepare documents for the court and/or notary, and coordinate the process of marriage dissolution by mutual agreement. Only after exhausting all possibilities for a peaceful dissolution do we prepare lawsuits and represent our clients in court on their behalf. As contested divorce often also requires disputing various transactions, as well as the recovery of assets that one spouse may have squandered or hidden, we advise clients on these matters too. We propose the most suitable model for the division of family assets and any other necessary measures.

Determination of Child's Place of Residence and Maintenance

We consult clients and suggest arrangements for contact with the non-residential parent that best meet the child's needs. We also advise on securing appropriate child maintenance, the recovery of maintenance arrears, and related matters.

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Our legal team is experienced and qualified in the field of criminal law. Our primary mission is not only to provide expert assistance for specific criminal law issues that arise, but also to act preventatively to avoid potential legal consequences in the future. If you are facing legal challenges, we are here to help you.

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Consultations and Advice

Our team of lawyers consists of experienced legal experts who have extensive experience in criminal law. We provide qualified consultations and advice, aiming to provide clients with information on matters related to criminal law.


We defend our clients' interests in pre-trial investigation institutions, aiming to safeguard their interests. We also represent clients in all court instances, from the district court to the Supreme Court of Lithuania, striving for the best legal outcomes.

Document Preparation

We are prepared to competently draft various legal documents that are essential in court proceedings or the activities of other institutions. This includes not only the preparation of petitions and appeals in criminal cases, but also other essential legal measures typical to criminal law and its procedures.


We consult clients on their actions and decisions to avoid potential legal issues in the future. Our goal is not only to respond to existing criminal problems but also to prevent their occurrence. Our criminal law attorneys conduct thorough analyses of clients' situations and provide well-founded consultations, aiming to protect clients from legal risks.

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Our accumulated knowledge helps clients achieve excellent results in defending their interests during inspections carried out by public administration entities, as well as in negotiations and disputes with these entities. We have experience in specific areas such as food safety, European Union structural support, and its administrative process, so we can provide prompt and comprehensive assistance.

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We consult clients on the legality of actions taken by institutions and the legality of enacted acts, the justification of applied sanctions and penalties, offer rational solutions to arising problems, and propose a legal defense strategy that maximally ensures the client's interests.


We defend our clients' interests in pre-trial investigation institutions, aiming to safeguard their interests. We also represent clients in all court instances, from the district court to the Supreme Court of Lithuania, striving for the best legal outcomes.

Representation in Public Administration Inspections

We successfully represent clients in inspections by public administration entities, ensure smooth communication between the institution and the client, and undertake all necessary actions to ensure that the inspection is completed smoothly and promptly, with the client's interests defended.

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